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Dr. Satish D Nephrologist

Nephrotic Syndrome

Normally only a small amount of protein ( less than 150mg/day) is excreted from body daily When there is an increased protein in the urine followed by the decreased protein level in the blood, it leads to Nephrotic Syndrome. The most common symptom of Nephrotic Syndrome is swelling in the feet and ankles.

Causes of Nephrotic Syndrome:

  • Minimal changes disease
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Genetic disorders
  • Cancer
  • Hepatitis
  • Multiple Myeloma

Symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome:

  • Swollen face and eye
  • Foamy urine
  • Sudden gain in weight
  • Decreased urine

Tests to be carried out for Nephrotic Syndrome: Renal function tests, Urinalysis, estimation of 24 hour urine protein, Serum Albumin.

Nephritic Syndrome:

When there is blood content in the urine followed by decreased urine quantity, it leads to Nephritic Syndrome. This syndrome also affects the blood flow towards the kidney leading to other complexities in the body. Kidney biopsy is required to identify the type and cause of nephriti syndrome and start specific treatment. Delay in treatment or improper treatment will cause major helath isuues including irreversible damage to kidneys and terminating in need for dialysis.

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